2024 Projects

Ndertimi i paqes permes dialogut - Ministria per Rini Kulture dhe Sport

2023 Projects

Peace Day

Vizite muzeut te kristalev ne minieren Trepca

2022 Projects

Dhuna ne Familje (Domestic Violence)

“ Mekanizmi mbrojtës kundër dhunës në familje” të komunës në disa shkolla të mesme të ulta u mbajtën bashkëbisedime me nxënës për “ Dhunën në baza gjinore- Bullizmi”

The municipality’s “protection mechanism against domestic violence” held talks with students about “Gender-based Violence – Bullying” in several lower secondary schools.

Të rinjët së bashku synojnë Evropën

2020 Projects

Peace Day - 21 September

This project aim to promote peace and coexistence among young people living in Mitrovica.

Women and Youth for Sustainable Peace

Young women and men from Albanian, Serbian, Bosnian and RAE communities in Mitrovica region (Mitrovica north and south municipalities, Zvecan, Leposavic and Zubin Potok) have continued to participate in peace building processes and decision making in society.

2016 Projects

10 december - HR Declaration, 2016

On regard of 10 December, HR Declaration, MWAHR and HR unit of Mitrovica south municipal, organized activities at primary schools in Mitrovica and villages- Bedri Gjina, Eqrem Cabej, Musa Hoti, Kodra Minatore, Cajupi, Selac and Kaqanoll village schools.
Students performed performance ” We are small but we know our Rights. As well same activities regarding articles of declaration.
More than 300 students participated in those activities.

Peace Day - September 21, 2016

Peace event as well included several activities that were planned and implemented by MWAHR volunteers Erzen, Blerta,Uranela and Denis  in coordination of assistant coordinator Zuhra.
20.09.2016 – Workshops in the primary schools- the first class was dedicated to the Peace building among people and later children draw peace pictures . The workshops were organized in the schools volunteers by v: Bedri Gjina, Masa Hoti, Cajupi, Aziz Sylejmano, Eqrem Cabej,Kodra e Minatoreve and in the Zvecan  in the primary school  Vuk Karadjic.  
21.09.2016 – Workshop ” My contribution on Peace building” with young women. In the workshop participated 25 young women from different ethnicities as:  Albanian, Serbian, RAE, Bosnian and  Turkish.  
21.09.2016- Street performance
This event  activities were organized in cooperation with NGOs Diakonia youth center and Caritas Kosova.
The performace was held in the bualevard ” Isa Boletini:  and started with rining bell by blerta onl honor of victims of violence.
It was presented exhibition of paintings with the theme of peace of work by volunteers.
The event continued with cultural dance presentation Bosniak ( bosnian children), Roma ( roma children), Turk( children) and “Shoten” Albanian . In the end perfomance street dance from Diakonia NGO youth group ( Albanian , Serbian and Roma youth).

2015 Projects

Children cump- Fun and sunny summer, August 2015

Project goal:
Raise the awareness of the children on their rights and the safe environment Project is supported by Terre des homes in cooperation with Mitrovica South Municipality – Human Rights Unit Project started on August 03, 2015 and l continued till August 14, 2015
Project objectives:
1. Raise society awareness on children rights
2. Children rights on safe environment
3. Raise children awareness on traditional games as a society heritage
Target Groups:
1. RAE children of Roma Mahalla
2. Roma Mahalla neighborhood inhabitants – children families
3. Stakeholders: Mitrovca south municipality and NGO partners Geographic Coverage.
The activity will be implemented in Roma Mahalla, Mitrovica south.

Peace Day - September 21, 2015

Belgrade- Prishtina Negotiations from Women’s perspective, 01 May.2019- 31 March 2020. The project is supported by KtK.
First activity: Partners meeting MWAHR& Pescanik from Krusevac, Serbia.

2014 Projects

Children's Day 2014

Regarding “Children Day” May 28, 2014 MWAHR organized project ” I’m small but i know my rights and my responsibilities” in partnership with primary schools: Bedri Gjina; Cajupi and Eqrem Cabej. Project was supported by Mitrovica Municipality – Human Rights Unit & Education Department:
– Short drama – animation acting
– Children  performance
– Brochure – children rights

The best for the future

The best for the future – take care for your health, April 15 – May 15, 2014

Supported by Innovation Lab Kosovo – UNICEF
65 youth + 20 women.

Volunteer - be cheer

Volunteer be cheer  – Supported by YIHR

 75 youth ( Serbian & Albanian)

Human Rights Day

On regard of December 10th Human Rights Convection MWAHR in partnership with Municipal Human Rights Unit organized workshops in rural primary schools in the villages : Kaqanoll, Rrashan, Broboniq, Vrnice and Miner Hill. Around 1000 students participated in the workshops

2012 Projects

Rise your voice – September– December, 2012, supported by KtK

Objective-Raised awareness and increased mobilization of women of all ethnicities in Mitrovica, to advocate together and increased participation of women in decision making and gender equality. 317 women participants.