2023 Projects
WPS Towards good neigboorhood relation between Koosvo and Serbia
Prezentimi i raportit te projektit – Gratë, paqja dhe siguria – Drejt mardhënieve të mira fqinjësore në mes të Kosovës dhe Serbisë
Prezentacija izveštaja projekta – Žene za mir i bezbednost – Ka dobrosusedskim odnosima Srbije i Kosova
Presentation on project report – Women, Peace and Security – Towards good neighborly relation between Serbia and Kosovo
2022 Projects
2021 Projects
Women and Youth Together for Sustainable Peace
Women decision makers/ assembly women and young women continued their communication and coexistence across ethnicities in Mitrovica region.
Women, including young women and men from Albanian, Serbian, Bosnian and RAE communities in Mitrovica region (Mitrovica north and south municipalities, Zvecan, Leposavic and Zubin Potok) have continued to participate in peace building processes and decision making in society.
2020 Projects
Women and Youth Together for Sustainable Peace
Women decision makers/ assembly women and young women continued their communication and coexistence across ethnicities in Mitrovica region.
Women, including young women and men from Albanian, Serbian, Bosnian and RAE communities in Mitrovica region (Mitrovica north and south municipalities, Zvecan, Leposavic and Zubin Potok) have continued to participate in peace building processes and decision making in society.
2019 Projects
WB Regional advocacy and Study visit to Sweden
2018 Projects
Belgrde - Prishtina Negotiations from Women's prespective
P.D.- Belgrade Prishtina Dialogue from women's prespective
Albanian Excellence in New Jersey
Belgrde - Prishtina Negotiations from Women's prespective
Women together for sustainable peace
2017 Projects
Belgrade - Pristina Negotiations from woman’s perspective
Young women decision makers
2016 Projects
16 days of activism against gender based violence, 2016
MWAHR in cooperation with the Office for Gender Equality organized a debate within “16 days of activism against gender-based violence – Violence against women as a social phenomenon. The debate was meant to discuss violence as a social phenomenon in terms of social, psychological, economic, by religion and other phenomena that promote and produce violence against women. In the debate participated: representatives of municipal institutions,Kosovo Police, Victims defender, religion representatives, education, assemblies N/S and civil society N/S.
Mitrovica Assemble Women Group strategic planning, 2016 -2017
Mitrovica Assemblies Women group organized workshop on strategic planning 2016-2017 the workshop was organized on 08 – 09 , 2016 in hotel Magra, Boge. In the planning participated 10 assembles women among them Gender officer and chive of Mayer cabinet. Planning was facilitated by MWAHR and supported by Mitrovica Assemblies Women group- Gender office.
Women Together as Peace Builders, 2016
Immovable property and gender equality
The Property Registration Project is being implemented by KWN and its member organizations( Prishtina, Prizren, Gjakova, Peja and Mitrovica ) with support from Swiss contact Promoting Private Sector Employment project funded by the Swiss Government. Project aims – Raising awareness about woman’s rights to immovable property and inheritance. KWN and its members are providing technical assistance to families in which women are seeking to register their property or claim their inheritance. MWAHR activists met more than 600 citizens shared information that with the new Administrative Instruction on the Joint Registration of Property , couples can register their joint property free of charge throughout 2016. The activist organized meetings with director of Cadastre and inheritance, noters, Gender municipal officer and Leader of Municipal Women assembly group. On 17 July 2016 performed the theatric shows titled “Hisja” by Art and Community Center – ARTPOLIS If you or someone you know is seeking to register property or claim inheritance in women’s names, and you need assistance, please contact us at info@womensnetwork.org. We will try our best to help!
Women leaders, 2016
Project was developed from May – September, 2016. Project was supported by KWN Project covered several activities:
1.Capacity building skills – 4 workshops
2. Workshops – Set up strategic planning – 5 planes
3. Advocacy- Gender office The target group were the assembly women and young women from Mitrovica north region – 4 north Municipalities: Mitrovica north, Zvecan, ZubinPotok and Leposavic
2015 Projects
Women voice in Peace building processes
December 07th, 2015 was organized debate ” Women voice in Peace building processes” . the panelist Minister Edita Tahiri . Debate is part of the project ” Peace for all” May 1st – December 31 st, 2015.Project is supported by Kvinna till Kvinna In the debate participated more than 30 women from different ethnicity and backgrounds as: Assembly women from north Kosovo municipalities and south Mitrovica municipality, Civil society, health institution, education etc. Albanian, Serbian, Bosnian and Roma.
I deserve leading position
Peace for all, 2015
Project “Peace for all’ supported by Kvinna till Kvinna, started implementation May 1st, 2015 and will run till December 31st , 2015. Project cover’s several activities:
1.Save and secure place- workshop – First workshop was organized on June 30, 2015. – Second workshop was organized on October 30, 2015 Around 40 girls participated in the workshops were they had opportunity having information and be more familiar with Kosovo Women Police group and KP women position too. The Women group of Kosovo Police held the workshop where they presented the women police group, women position within KP and promoted peace and security for society.
2.Training- “Education in peace building skills” 18 women participated in the training: 7 activist women from Mitrovica south (Albanian); 11 activist women from North Kosovo municipalities ( Serbian). Training was held 15-18 August, 2015 in Durres/Albania
3. Regional Study visit August 26-27, 2015 MWAHR members visited women NGO in Leskovac, Serbia “ “Women for Peace”.
4. Debate – Women voice in peace building processe.
Improvement of women's rights to property and property inheritance
Project “Women’s rights to property and property inheritance registration.” in frame of project “Our Matters” implemented from NGO Mitrovica Women Association for Human Rights. Project was supported by Community Building Mitrovica – CBM and PAX from Netherlands.
Project aim: Raise awareness to the citizens about equal opportunity to the women in the property inheritance. Project included three main activities:
Debate Debate: “Women’s rights to property and property inheritance registration”
The debate panelists were: Lawyer–Noter Mediator ,Chive of Department of Geodesy, Gender officer.Debate was followed by 30 participants.
Street action: Drawings with the messages on spouse inheritance.
Promotional material – 500 flyera
2014 Projects
Enhancing Women's participation in Peace-building, 2014
” Gender budgeting” training – participants Directors of Municipal directorates and municipal officers, organized on March 22, 2014 supported by UNDP “Draw up gender action plan 2014 – 2017” – participants, municipal officers, women assemblies, civil society, OSBE representatives organized on June 19, 2014 supported by UNDP
Gender Based Violence
16 Days of Activism campaign against Gender Based Violence
On regard of 16 Days of Activism campaign against Gender Based Violence, municipal Gender officer and MWAHR organized debate about violence against women situation in Mitrovica region.
Municipal representatives, human rights coordinator, NGO, journalists and citizens.
Debate took places on December 05, 2014 in the municipality premises.
2013 Projects
2012 Projects
2023 Projects
Belgrde - Prishtina Negotiations from Women's prespective
Belgrade- Prishtina Negotiations from Women’s perspective, 01 May.2019- 31 March 2020. The project is supported by KtK.
First activity: Partners meeting MWAHR& Pescanik from Krusevac, Serbia.