2023 Events
09. 10. 2023, u nënshkrua Marrëveshje Bashkëpunimi në mes të komunës së Mitrovicës dhe MWAHR për zbatimin e projektit “ Buxhetimi gjinorë mjet transformues buxhetor për institucione”. Morrëm gjithë mbështetjen nga nënkryetari
Z. Arian Tahiri në zbatimin dhe bashkëpunimin në mes drejtorive të përzgjedhura për monitorim dhe MWAHR.
2022 Events
2021 Events
The executive director of MWAHR – Vetone Veliu was part of the Interview with the German peace building organization ZFD on conducting Systematic Conflict Analysis for Kosovo. The Interview gathered representatives of various civil society organizations from Kosovo working in the field of peacebuilding.
Empowering young women in Kosovo - UN Women
Challenges faced by girls in terms of security” was the topic of today’s discussion organized by Kosovo Women’s Network with girls from the municipality of Mitrovica.
During this discussion, Igballe Rogova, Executive Director, shared with participants the advocacy practices through which, together with member organizations of the Network, will be able to address the key challenges and problems identified in terms of security.
Furthermore, KWN shared with them the findings of the report “A Seat at the Table” – on the perceptions of women and girls alongside the concepts of peace and security.
19 MARS,21
OSCE Panel
On 17.05.2021 The executive director of MWAHR- Vetone Veliu was part of the panel of the OSCE working sessions to share her story and the organization’s experiences with specific attention on the possibilities of enhancing the OSCE’s capacities for early warning and conflict prevention in an inclusive and gender sensitive manner, in particular through the meaningful involvement of civil society and women.